My name is Arrington and I am a Junior at YWLA. I have always known of God and what He could do for others. But never let Him fully have me as His daughter. I would only live for God on Wednesdays and Sundays, and the world every other day. Looking for approval in other people trying to make them happy not thinking about what God thought of it. Coming to Teen FLOW helped me realize that God is an “everyday God” and that there is no, “maybe I want to serve God or maybe I don't want to.” There is no middle when it comes to God and I have to make the choice to follow Him daily, loving Him with my whole heart. Staying with Him makes that choice easier and easier everyday, knowing that there's nothing the world can give me that God can’t. A scripture that helps me stay true to this is Psalms 24:8-9, “Who is this glorious king? The LORD—strong and powerful! The LORD—powerful in battle! Mighty gates: lift up your heads! Ancient doors: rise up high! So the glorious king can come in.” It lets me know who God is and that I have to open up so He can come in and He will not come if I don't allow Him. Me being able to say yes to Him everyday has allowed Him to fill the places in my heart that had never been filled and more. Realizing God is enough has helped me start to crave a deeper relationship with Him and share His joy with others.

My name is Jesus and I am a Senior at LHS. I lead the Media Team as a Servant Leader. Before my life with Christ, I was a lost child. I was someone that didn't care what I did. I never used to read the bible, all I did was pray but I never cared if He heard my prayers. I knew there was God, but I never pursued Him. The first time I encountered God was when I started to come to Teen FLOW my Freshman year. One of my friends, Germy had invited me. I had got a feeling that I should go, so I told my parents and I started going. When I first walked in, my heart felt free and I was not uncomfortable. A couple months later, I felt like God said "become a Servant Leader." I prayed about it and they let me become one. I was a photographer for Teen FLOW. After connecting with God I started being more comfortable in my own skin and showing people that I am a child of God. Time after time, I go through trials and tribulations, but I break through them by reading the bible and praying. I am glad to say I am a child of God. Since I met Jesus, I can truly say that others have seen change in my life and I'm searching for more because of my walk with Him

My name is Natalia, I'm a Senior at MHS and I serve on the media team! I started coming to Teen FLOW in the 7th grade. Teen FLOW Staff came to Goddard and told me about the program. I didn't believe in God back then, but heard there would be food and games! I continued to come because of the inspirational motivational speakers. I started going through a lot and became disconnected. But I remembered what one of my mentors told me, "You have the power to make your day good." I began praying and told God that I would start to get to know Him better if he helped grow a connection between me and my mom. It took a while to change, but it didn't feel that long. I returned to Teen FLOW, because I felt like God was leading me to. The staff helped me to get out of the cycles I was going through. I cut off the negative people in my life who influenced me to do bad things. I got closer to my mom. I got to know myself better and figure out what I wanted in life. God has helped me decide that I want to go to college to study CSI and that I shouldn't let little things get to me. He encouraged me to affirm myself that I'm never alone, I'm strong and can get through anything. Praying and talking in the mirror really helped me.
No matter what, God will take you through challenges, but in the end, you will learn a lesson.
No matter what, God will take you through challenges, but in the end, you will learn a lesson.