

L.I.F.E. Camp is designed to answer questions you may have in your teenage years about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Education, Sports, Friendship, Dating, Drugs, and other questions you are struggling with.
L.I.F.E. is an acronym for Living In Fullness Everyday.
This camp is on the premises of Teen F.L.O.W. here in Midland, TX and is for teenagers who desire to know more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and academic opportunities.  Summer games and activities help the Youth meet new friends from different walks of life.
Morning devotionals and Praise & Worship prepare and teach youth how to get started and prepare for the day.  Motivational speakers encourage youth to stay in school and live healthy wholesome lives. The games teach the youth how to work together, tackle barriers, and the Bible studies build a foundation for their spiritual life.


Summer camps vary from outings to the lake to organized Youth Camps.  These camps are filled with exciting programs, challenging games, Praise & Worship, dramas, talent shows and extensive bible studies.
The camps schedules differ from camp to camp, all having one thing in common; to equip the youth for service in the Lord.  Having the chance to get away from the world for a week, going to camp where you will spend time with God, and leaving your problems behind, can be such an uplifting feeling in your lives.